Covenant Therapy Centers are proud to offer FREE Post-Race Injury Clinics
Click here for more information
Covenant Therapy Centers are proud to offer FREE Post-Race Injury Clinics
Click here for more information
Many City of Knoxville roads will be closed on March 26-27. Click here to view the full list of road closures.
2022 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon – Virtual Events
The 2022 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon is proud to include Virtual Options! Participants who want to participate remotely in the 2022 event can do so through our virtual event options. This allows for participants to complete their mileage on their own at the place of their choosing; bike trail, neighborhood, treadmill, and more! This also enables them to complete their mileage on their time during race week (March 20-27, 2022). We have Virtual Event options for the marathon, half marathon, 5k, relay, and kids run.
Participants who wish to register for a virtual event can do so by selecting their event from the drop down menu on the marathon’s registration page (for example: “Marathon – Virtual Edition”). Here is a direct link to registration:
Fittest Company Challenge and Fittest School Challenge
Participants in the Virtual Events also count toward their company or school total for the Fittest Company or Fittest School Challenge! Just be sure and include your Company/School during the registration process.
Instructions for Submitting Virtual Results
Thank you for participating in the 2022 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon – Virtual Edition! We have received many questions about where, when, and how to submit results.
When: You’ll be able to submit your virtual results starting on Sunday, March 20, at 12:01 a.m. You can submit your results until Sunday, March 27, at 11:59 p.m. Be sure and submit your results during the week-long window!
Where: Go to our event page found here and click on “Submit Virtual Results” button.
How: Submitting your virtual results is very user-friendly. You can input your data manually, or you can choose to upload your data from your third-party service (Garmin, Strava, etc.). However, if you need assistance, click here for a thorough article by that explains step by step how to submit your results.
NOTE: If your third-party service tries to upload a distance longer than the one you are registered for, it will give you an error message and ask you to input manually. For example, if you register for the marathon and your Garmin says you ran 26.35 miles, our results system will require you to change your mileage to just 26.2 miles for proper submission.
What: You will be able to view comprehensive data including total miles, pace, elevation, and overall placement.
Why: Because you believe in a healthier community just as we do!
There are two options for obtaining your race packet.
OPTION 1 – Pickup your race packet at our traditional Clayton Health and Fitness Expo. This will be held on Saturday, March 26, at the World’s Fair Exhibition Hall (935 World’s Fair Park Drive). The hours of the Expo are 9 am – 8 pm Eastern. This is the time and location that participants in the live, in-person events will also pick up their packets.
OPTION 2 – Have your packet shipped to you starting the week of March 28.
For a $6 shipping charge per packet, we are offering to ship packets to virtual participants starting the week of March 28 (after event weekend). If you want us to do this for you, you MUST visit our merchandise store and purchase this item. Click here to have your virtual race packet shipped. (The item is at the bottom of the merchandise store webpage).
Please note that we will only ship packets to participants in the virtual events; we will not ship them to participants in the live, in-person events.
Click here for a pdf version of this information.
Thanks again for participating in one of our virtual events this year. We appreciate your support!
2021 Fittest School Challenge Results Are In!
The Fittest School Challenge, presented by Dollywood, is a competition between area schools that awards winners based upon the percentage of participation. Each child that participated in the Covenant Kids Run on October 2 earned one point for their school. We tallied each school’s respective points and divided that number by the total enrollment of that school to determine their participation percentage. We award prize money to the top schools in a ten-county radius. More than one school in each county was eligible to win prize money. Once again, we offered two categories, large and small, for the schools based upon their enrollment. Now on to the winners…
Large Division
1. Ritta Elementary $1000
2. Shannondale Elementary $750
3. Rocky Hill Elementary $500
4. Bearden Elementary $350
5. Sequoyah Elementary $200
Small Division
1. Episcopal School of Knoxville $1000
2. Garden Montessori School $750
3. First Baptist Academy $500
4. Knoxville Christian School $350
5. Temple Baptist Academy $200
We will present each of these schools with a custom plaque and prize money this fall. Huge thanks to Dollywood for sponsoring this year’s Fittest School Challenge!
If you are participating in one of our live, in-person events, you’ll need to know your bib number when you arrive at the Health and Fitness Expo on Saturday!
Click here to view the list of bib numbers (listed alphabetically by last name).
NOTE: If you are participating in one of the virtual events:
1. If you opted to have your packet shipped to you, you’ll receive a bib with your packet.
2. If you opt to pick your packet up at the Expo on Saturday, then you’ll be assigned a bib when you pick up your virtual packet.