Q: What is the Sorority and Fraternity Challenge?
A: This Challenge is an opportunity for friendly competition among area sororities and fraternities during all the marathon events. For each member of a sorority or fraternity who finishes a race, your sorority or fraternity gets 1 point per mile finished. For points to be counted, members must register properly and complete their race.

Breakdown of points possible:
Marathoner = 26.2 points
Half Marathoner = 13.1 points
4 Person Relay = 6.55 points per person
5K Runners = 3.1 points
Volunteers = 1 Point per volunteer

Q: Do we have to run the marathon to participate?
A: No one from your sorority or fraternity has to run the marathon to participate in the challenge. Members can participate in any event as a runner or as a walker. However, we do not encourage walking a marathon because of time restraints. Rather, we encourage walkers to participate in the 5k or half marathon or as part of a relay team.

Q: How do we receive points for our members finishing?
A: Each individual can register themself for the challenge during online registration.  Just make sure that each member indicates your sorority or fraternity name in the box during registration.  Once all races are complete (and results are in), we will tally the points for your members that finished their respective races.

Q: What if no one from our sorority or fraternity is a runner?
A: Marathon officials will provide training programs to help participants prepare for their event. The Health Shoppe/Tennessee Pre/ZenEvo Dark Chocolate group run program is organized to help both beginners and advanced runners reach their goals. Remember that walkers are also encouraged to participate in the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon.

Q: Why should I promote this program to our members?
A: Running and walking promote a healthy lifestyle, which in turn creates healthier people who rely less on health insurance. It is also a good way to boost Greek spirit and a fun way for members to interact socially.

Q: When are the awards presented?
A: We will present awards to the top three sororities and the top three fraternities in the spring after race day!